Tax Free Real Estate Investing?

Is tax free real estate investing possible?

Tax-time is the least favorite time of the year.  Truth be told I had a big tax bill that was pretty unexpected.

This caused me to go over my taxes multiple times with my CPA.

Do you know what the one thing I did right was?


That’s right. Giving to charity.

I’m going to do a private webinar where I answer your personalized funding questions in a private format.

I only offered this once last year and it was a big hit.

The best part? It’s tax-deductible.

How?  Well, 2-ways.

1. You can deduct it as an expense for your real estate business.
If you prefer this go here:

You get a product I used to sell for $497 for $97.  Additionally, you get 1 one 1 consulting for the rest of the year.

2. You can give straight to the charity (my church)

– just search for Jimmy Moncrief

In the month of May I will be helping to build an orphanage in Zimbabwe.

Semper Fidelis,
Jimmy Moncrief

p.s. ALWAYS consult a CPA about tax advice!

p.p.s. After you pay, reply with all your questions.  The webinar will be next week and there will be a replay if you can’t make it live.