If you love to travel like I do I’m sure you have met someone that travels A LOT and you wonder – what do they do so differently than me?  This article covers my top personal finance hacks that will make you not only rich with money but also time!

I’m all about hacking the system to increase your net worth and cash flow and more importantly give you more time!

Check-out these personal finance hacks that are easy to implement!



personal finance hacks that will make you rich




Track Your Net Worth

As Peter Drucker famously said: What gets measured, gets managed”

From my personal experience and getting feedback from others, the overwhelming reason people don’t do this is TIME.  It takes a lot to do a budget and track your assets and liabilities.

However, for the last year I have been using Personal Capital and am really pleased with it.  It’s FREE and super easy to use and link accounts.  I have all my investment accounts linked and it’s great to just log into one place.

I also like their budget dashboard which is a lot more intuitive than others.

personal capital review


For a full review of Personal Capital check out the article below:


My New Favorite Budgeting Tool That Is Completely Free


Set Goals


I’m a big fan of goals.  However, most people get this wrong and set very unattainable goals for 1 year, then get disappointed when they don’t hit it.

It’s ok to set a big 1-year goal, but break that-up into monthly or even weekly goals.  I built the table below so you could create a game out of saving-up an extra $10,000.  It’s a lot easier when you gamify this process.



funny personal finance hacks gif

Make More Money

The reality is you probably need to cut down on some spending, but if you really want to move the needle you need to make more money.

I have done everything from write articles to clean gutters for extra money.

My biggest tip is to not just dream up “cool business ideas” and look for people complaining about a problem, then solve their problem.

Here is a list of my Top 70 Ways To Make Extra Money:

70 Ways to Make Extra Money


If you are limited with your time and resources, the cheapest business to start is pretty much always web-based.  This also gives you location independence as well.  I put together a quick free guide on how to build a website in 9 minutes here:



In order to get rich, you need to make more money, and then you need to take that money and compound it and continue to compound it.

compound interest


Most people working day jobs just have a 401k and that’s it.  I hope you have figured-out this is simply not enough to retire.

My investing has increased exponentially since using RobinHood!  It’s completely free and really easy to use.

Sign-Up Using My No Cost Referral Link Here


The best part is that when you sign-up with my referral link you get a free stock!

Please note, I also get a free stock so it’s a win/win!


I highly recommend you download the app even if it’s just to get a free share of stock!

Download the Robin Hood app



Pay Off Debt

When you look at your expenses each month, your debts are probably your largest expenses: house payment, student loans, car loans.  Once you have 3 months of expenses saved-up I would attack this with a vengeance.

Not only will you have more savings each month after this debt is done you will also have more peace of mind and financial freedom.


Personal Finance Hacks Summary

Hopefully, these personal finance hacks will help you both grow your time and money!  If you have anymore let me know by replying to one of my emails!


Disclosure: This post includes affiliate links. Adding these links helps us keep the lights on in Real Estate Finance HQ, which makes it a lot easier to read to our kids after a long day of deal-seeking!